The Co-Creator's Agreements
These agreements taken from The Co-Creator's Handbook have been shared globally with hundreds of groups for three decades. Co-Create them with your team or community to build resonance and an aligned agreement field. Sign up to our Mailing List (on the right) to download a PDF with the agreements.
The Co-Creator's Handbook 2.0
This guidebook is an essential tool for embodying and mastering the art of co-creation. It is designed to empower individuals and teams—from beginners to those at the leading edge of transformation—and contains specific tools and experiential exercises to assist you in discovering and fulfilling your life purpose as part of a co-creative team.
Keeping the Promise: A Guide for Awakening Your Full Potential Self
Keeping the Promise: A Guide for Awakening Your Full Potential Self by Carolyn Anderson and Rev. Jerry Farrell. This book accompanies Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Evolutionary Testament of Co-Creation and is designed to provide support in evolving personally as a New Person contributing to a New Society.
The Change 4, Insights into Self Empowerment
by Jim Lutes and Jim Britt, co-authored by Carolyn Anderson.
This book explores powerful thought-provoking insights from twenty co-authors, taking you on a journey of self-discovery and personal change. Chapter 22, by Carolyn Anderson, describes how Co-Creative practices are contributing to a transformation in our collective consciousness.
Birthing a Universal Humanity
Birthing a Universal Humanity, Co-Created and edited by Carolyn Anderson: a booklet that supports the formation of small Universal Human “Pods,” a next step in our evolutionary process. (e-book)
52 Codes for Conscious Self-Evolution
52 Codes for Conscious Self-Evolution by Barbara Marx Hubbard, co-created and edited by Carolyn Anderson, offers a process of metamorphosis and specific guidance to realize our full potential.