Conscious alignment with Spirit, Nature, and the Essence of Self and Others.
Joining with others in resonance and shared genius to fulfill your heartfelt purpose.
Joining with others in resonance and shared genius to fulfill your heartfelt purpose.

We envision living in a world that is an embodiment of our spiritual essence.

We empower individuals and groups to express their full potential in service to our mutual awakening.

We support individuals and groups in living the principles and practices of co-creation.

Makasha Roske
Makasha brings over 50 years experience as a social architect, meta designer, entrepreneur, futurist, promoter, networker and spiritual guide to his partnership in LCCA. As co-founder and steward of Hummingbird Community, he continues to be a major contributor to this living laboratory of Co-Creation. Read more.

Katharine Roske
Katherine, a social pioneer, educator, author, public speaker, ceremonialist and grandmother, has a deep commitment to the realization of a co-creative planetary culture. She is a co-founder and steward of Hummingbird Community and was Program Director for Hummingbird Living School for the past 17 years. Read more.

Carolyn Anderson
Carolyn is a co-founder and the co-director of Global Family and a founding steward of Hummingbird Community. Author, speaker, seminar leader and global networker, Carolyn is committed to shifting consciousness to unity and love and to awakening humanity to its full potential. Read more.

Sanford Anderson
Sanford is a social entrepreneur who is passionate about engaging a critical mass of people to sustain the higher mind and compassionate heart needed to evolve and engage the significant challenges and opportunities we face today. Read more.
We thank all those who have inspired and guided the way for us over the years: Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Teilhard de Chardin, Eckhart Tolle, Barbara Marx Hubbard and so many others.
We are also grateful to the members of our Hummingbird Community and other beloved friends, too numerous to mention, for their love and support as social pioneers in this great adventure of consciousness and Co-Creation.
May each of us find our perfect partners and express our full potential as we contribute to the birth of a planetary Co-Creative culture.

All elements of the Co-Creator’s Handbook and the online course “Living Co-creation” came alive. The interrelatedness of all - spirit, nature, and humans was tangible and nourished each other in the field of love. To experience the course at Hummingbird where Co-Creation is at home was very special to me. It felt that the 4 days of the retreat infused my system with all the elements which provide the readiness to be an instrument of Co-Creation and love, to incarnate my Essential Self in oneness with the whole.
Sandyra, Hummingbird
Living Co-Creation retreat at Hummingbird Community
The Living Co-creation Workshops was such an amazing experience for me! The lessons I learned have stuck with me and it has really helped me to know what I want to do and what I want to bring to the world. It has played a major roll in preparing me for the next chapter. I am so grateful!
Living Co-Creation retreat at Hummingbird Community
Thank you for your container honed through years in love, compassion, and service. What a dynamic well rounded powerful leadership of FOUR. I feel like you must have done ceremony to bring the right group of participants together at the right time to create the right portal for right effect….for more than just us. Our heartbeat rippled out into the larger world. Great Gratitude!!!
Living Co-Creation retreat at Hummingbird Community
The online course was deeply supportive of my process in growing Co-Creative capacities on many levels, and I am delighted to know that many will be gathering to deepen the practices and principles of Co-Creation this month at Hummingbird!
Amanda Creighton, Hummingbird Community
Living Co-Creation Online Course.
Specially the guidelines are a tool for me which I introduced in my work team and it gives endless material for reflection and discussion. To bring the process in our lives in Auroville, and wherever we are, is the most inspiring development. And it is especially potent to apply these practices in situations or with people which/who are challenging.
Friederike, Auroville
Living Co-Creation Telecourse for Auroville, India.
Interacting with a large group of Aurovillians within this kind of environment is an opportunity and a gift to help me move toward my own deeper awareness. Among the immediately useful and practical gems from the Living Co-Creation course, for me, was “Put attention on your intention!” In gratitude.
Patricia, Auroville
Living Co-Creation Telecourse for Auroville, India.
This course is meant to be taught to groups. Katharine & Makasha Roske and Carolyn & Sanford Anderson guided us in a very loving and trustful atmosphere in a profound group experience where we could discover and establish a heart resonant field between us as a whole. For me this course is the foundation for the birthing of a New Humanity, as it gives you very practical tools to move into the new paradigm of love and a Co-Creation.
Sandyra, Auroville
Living Co-Creation Telecourse for Auroville, India.
Doing the Co-Creation course really brought a big change in my life. Being together with people and finding together the call of your inner self was a wonderful story. After a few weeks it was clear that we were doing a work that reaches beyond the individual, that we were creating a forcefield around us, above us, in Auroville…. A field that feeds us and others with strength, hope and love to co create in Auroville.
John, Auroville
Living Co-Creation Telecourse for Auroville, India.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this great idea to bring Living Co-Creation to Auroviile. It will have a huge impact for the future. I loved all of it and will continue in August. Thanks for all of you!!! The team in the US and in Auroville.
Peter, Auroville
Living Co-Creation Telecourse for Auroville, India