June 5-7, 2020 (cancelled)
The co-creation workshop we were scheduled to offer at the beautiful New Eden Centre For Awakened Living in Hemrik, Netherlands was cancelled due to the pandemic. Our intent for this training was for all participants to experience the essential elements of the co-creative process and to be empowered to live these practices in their daily lives. Our partners Delilah Verhoeven and Jules Van Beek would have been our hosts and the producers of this event.

Puria interviews Carolyn and Katharine about the event.
September 2019
A group of conscious evolutionaries gathered at beautiful Hummingbird Ranch to empower one another and to honor the life and legacy of Barbara Marx Hubbard by “Carrying the Torch Forward.”

Testimonials from some who attended:
"This was THE best group experience I've ever had! I've been in a lot of different groups in my forty years on the
path of personal and spiritual development. What made this experience so heart-opening and empowering for me
was the way the co-facilitators created a space that called forth, honored, and valued the creative genius of each
of us. Everyone was equally special and everyone's gifts were appreciated." Sajit Greene (Taos, NM)
“Gerard and I want to express our heartfelt gratitude for our experience at Hummingbird. Given that we travelled
half way round the world to be there, the experience was worth it in every way. It was beyond the beyond of what
we might have anticipated! It was 'off the charts' and we are so grateful to be part of it.” Sharon and Gerard
Moloney (Australia)
Audio testimonials from others who attended:

October-November 2017
We journeyed to Germany, where we conducted a three-day training on the basic principles of co-creation for 300 beautiful souls in Hamburg. The warmth and generosity of everyone we met was fulfilling and nurturing at every level, and we look forward to returning this fall to continue sharing co-creative practices with other social pioneers in Germany and beyond.

Celebrating love and connection at the training in Hamburg, Germany

During the training we met several times in small core groups to deepen in relationship with one another, connect heart to heart, and have a direct experience of elements of the Core Group Process.

We also spent ten days in Baden-Baden recording a 21 day telecourse, “The Art of Co-Creation,” which will be available in 2020.

September 2017
We conducted a one day introduction, followed by an in-depth training in co-creative practices at Hummingbird Community. Our purpose in coming together was to tap into our unique and collective genius and to be empowered to more fully give our gifts, expand our leadership skills, and be nurtured by the resonant field and the healing qualities of nature. This is what some of the participants had to say about our time together:

Kristi: So much of the retreat was breathtaking...Just arriving and meeting such
spectacular people.... Sharing our deepest feelings in trusted company. I loved all the
humor as we broached difficult times. The desire to help was authentic.

Natasha: The acknowledgment portion was so illuminating and helpful to feel really seen, felt, received in my true power. To look beyond the wounded veils of how we reflect upon ourselves and open our hearts to receive the authentic reflection of another, co-creating an enlightened sense of self worth.

Henry: Loved the four facilitators and the amazing gifts they bring and share.

Bri: The highlights for me were witnessing the progression of everyone’s hearts opening more and more each day….experiencing the divine inter-connectedness that we all share.,….feeling the love and unity that is so present. I loved the coherence of the group.

February 2017
We conducted two weekend retreats in southern California called Experience Co-Creation. as well as an evening event at Full Circle Venice. Many thanks to Andrew Keegan, Mayra McCullough, Oceanna Kiddie and Patrick Talbot for their support in producing these powerful events of mutual learning and awakening.

September 2016
This photo and brief sound recordings below are from our Deep Immersion in Co-Creation event in the beautiful Hummingbird Community. In a field of love, trust, and mutual respect, we experienced how co-creative practices can call forth the best in each of us and enhance our relationships and our work in the world.
Listen to what the participants had to say about this retreat:
Cindy: I'm very grateful......It's so wonderful to be surrounded by people
with the same values.
David P: It was a wonderful experience. It changed me....
Corin: This experience has given me courage and clarity...
Leif: The gem for me has been being in the presence of four people who
have been living this magic for decades.
Paula: I thought I knew a lot about co-creation…